Cucumber & Orange Iced Lollies



  • Orange Drink


  • 150g x Cucumber Juice
  • 50g x Lemon Juice
  • Satsuma Zest
  • Pinch Salt


  • 2 tsp x Sweetener


  • Iced Lolly Moulds


  • Firstly, pass a cucumber through your juicer, if you do not have a juicer you can blend the cucumber and squeeze the pulp through a clean tea towel or some muslin. Tip: sieve the juice to remove any unwanted bits.
  • Measure 150g for the recipe, if you have some spare enjoy this as a refreshing drink or add to your water bottle to give a different dimension to your hydration.
  • Mix all ingredients in a bowl with a whisk, allow to sit for a couple of minutes to make sure the powders are fully hydrated.
  • Place into your iced lolly moulds and freeze.
  • Once frozen a quick tip to remove them from the mould is to run under hot water to loosen them up.
Ian Weight Loss

Lost 5st 4lbs
in 12 weeks

Best thing since a slice of cake.! After seeing a picture of myself at Christmas 2015, l decided to do something so l took the plunge and phoned Alevere.  Hard bit done, the diet is simple, follow it as advised, and watch the pounds fall off, and they literally did.  The hardest thing is walking through the doors, but remember everyone there is in your shoes. I feel 21 again.

Ian Kitchingman

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