Flat Iron Steak, Caramelised Shallot & Vine Tomatoes



  • 125g x Flat Iron Steak


  • 1 x Portobello Mushroom
  • Asparagus
  • Tender stem Broccoli
  • Chives
  • Salt & Pepper


  • 1 x Shallot (Avg. 50g)
  • 75g x Cherry Tomatoes
  • 1 tbsp x Olive Oil


  • To caramelise the shallots cut one in half per portion. Leave the skin and root on.
  • Lightly oil & season the face of the shallot and place in a pan over high heat.
  • Allow the shallots to char, leave face down and place in the oven at 180°c for 10 mins or until tender.
  • For the flat iron steak, it is best to remove this from the fridge in advance and allow it to come to room temperature if time permits. Half an hour or more is ideal.
  • Lightly oil and season the steak and place in a hot pan to colour. You may also add your cherry tomatoes at this point.
  • Cook the steak for two minutes on the first side and then turn it over.
  • Allow to colour on the second side for one minute then place in the oven for a further two minutes. Leave the tomatoes in the pan and add the shallots to warm through.
  • Remove the pan from the oven and allow the steak to rest somewhere warm for three minutes.
  • Slice the steak down the middle and season with salt, pepper & chives.
  • Serve with roast mushroom and your favourite greens.
Ian Weight Loss

Lost 5st 4lbs
in 12 weeks

Best thing since a slice of cake.! After seeing a picture of myself at Christmas 2015, l decided to do something so l took the plunge and phoned Alevere.  Hard bit done, the diet is simple, follow it as advised, and watch the pounds fall off, and they literally did.  The hardest thing is walking through the doors, but remember everyone there is in your shoes. I feel 21 again.

Ian Kitchingman

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